Greg, AJ, Two Teenagers and a Ragtag Band of Misfits Beat Cameron Road Like a Drum on Derby Day

No flannel, no problem. Ol'Schwarzy got on the scoresheet for Cameron Road. I'm sure BT would be proud.
No flannel, no problem. Ol’Schwarzy got on the scoresheet for Cameron Road. I’m sure BT would be proud.

Yeah but who’s keeping score, right? Too many good things surrounded this matchup of Clark Field brethren to focus on the outcome.

Billy employed an interesting technique for paying team fees forking over the first English Pound to the Bank of Cameron Road.
Billy employed an interesting technique for paying team fees forking over the first English Pound to the Bank of Cameron Road.

Jefe and Chappy assembled Badger Town early at 8am. The strategy was twofold. One, to secure “The Tree” and establish a beachhead for afternoon operations. Two, to check out the Clark Field Red Headed Stepchildren (also know as Draaaaagoooooons) over on Field 10 in a show of solidarity. Abe scored a scuffer. Nasty Nate was all business. Yunir ran around holding his crotch. Typical.

Back under the shade of The Tree, the flow of players tricked in. Ciro, Bret, New Chris, Billy, Ryan, Big Dave, Derek, Gigi, Jaybone, Peterson and Adam. Brian Schwarz (or Schwarzy as he is hereby named moving forward), was his usual fashionably late self. The Honey Badgers also employed their summer signings as Houston and Verity Joe showed up for the party. And as a special guest star and blast from the past, Ben Swann fulfilled a lifelong dream by donning the yellow jersey.

Back in Badger Town, another special guest arrived. DANIMAL, fresh from his 5 month zen retreat, became the Honey Badgers #1 fan for the afternoon. Jake was also there minus an organ to yell at his friends.

Speaking of fans, the Dragons, in a rare show of teamwork, dragged their tent and tired asses over to the field to properly heckle anyone who deserved their wrath.

The game you ask? Well, Greg is pretty damn good. It took him a couple attempts at goal, but he finally stabbed one past Jaybone early in the first half, but in a show of humanity, he didn’t blast it at his face at mach 5. #sportsmanship.

The Punters employed two teenage wingers on the flanks, and Big Dave enjoyed introducing them to the “old man’s physical game.” Early going, the Honey Badgers were not without their moments, as the looked to even the score. Gigi gave everyone a show with two bicycle attempts 20 seconds apart. Didn’t matter that he was maybe 30 yards from goal.

Jaybone denied AJ with a brilliant point blank save, showing us all why he’s Cameron Road’s only Two Time MVP.

The Honey Badgers evened up the score as Schwarzy gathered a rebound from his initial shot, turned and beat the gloveless Nick to the far post to open his goal account.

The Dragons could hardly contain their excitement as the game switched from end to end. Ben Swann almost scored from his first touch on the ball, and Houston’s run down the right would have ended up with a Chappy goal at the back post if not for a timely Henny clearance.

Now playing left back, Ben darted deep into the Punter box for a chance, but then was forced to track back 80 yards to bravely deny a Punter’s point blank shot with a timely slide tackle. Unfortunately the rebound fell back to Captain Nick to tap in for the go-ahead goal.

Oranges + Ben Lee sighting

Ah the second half, a time for both teams to keep the game close, put on a show for the Dragons, wow the crowd with their collective talents, and get this game down to the wire for a last second winner!

Or not.

Not focusing on the something or other additional goals, Cameron Road fought to turn things around but it just wasn’t happening. Chappy and Ciro combined for an on-field metaphor for the past 12 months. Chappy won the ball inside the Punter box, but fell down as he poked the ball back up the field for the onrushing Ciro to demolish. Ciro did what he does better than anyone else though, and he shot it straight at Chappy’s foot as he was lying flat on his back on the ground.

Verity Joe also joined a growing club at CRU with an own goal.

At the other end, Jefe showed some real cojones as he decided to tackle a full speed Greg 1-on-1 at midfield. Greg walked away. Jefe did not.

In the end, the Honey Badger’s “lost year” continued, and they keep on searching for that first win in damn near a year. Maybe next week. Maybe next week.

Man-of-the-Match: Schwarzy nets his first goal as a Honey Badger against their arch rivals and has entered the race for the Golden Boot.


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