CRU 0 – Celtic Cowboys 2

After giving up a pretty soft penalty kick to Celtic early on, we managed to hold Celtic to 1 scrappy goal for the entire game. We held strong and managed to hold onto the 0-2 scoreline from the end of the first half. Who knows, if the post hadn’t saved my header from a pinpoint Peterson free kick we might have gone on to secure a draw. But I think most of us considered that a little progress was made with this result. Defensively at least. 

It was great to have almost the entire squad out there. Having that many subs helped us stay fresh for sure. On the downside, Marcus’ buddy, Shane, broke his collarbone on his debut. Really bad luck, because he was looking promising with limited playing time. Good news is that he wants to return to the pitch with us when he’s healed up. 

Man-of-the-Match: The defense. Celtic had a lot of the ball and surged forward often, but only managed one goal from open play.

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