
The Post Game to End All Post Games

Big thanks to Beerca for providing the post-game grill out infrastructure for an epic end-of-season celebration! Those boys do it up right. For some the post-game lasted approximately 7 hours. Such a fitting end to a fantastic summer season. Couldn’t have done it without all the Punters, Jesus and Mark, a Verity and Guillermo N sighting, and a special guest appearance by Danny’s kiddo.

In addition to the great food, the post game got a little rowdy as Chappy was like a relapsing Bubbles from Season 3 of the Wire. There were Ryan Willis and Chris Peterson sightings, a barefoot penalty shootout, icings, #Chipgate, mist, a Milton Report, and so much more. Here’s a few choice moments from a post game foe the ages.

There goes two months of sobriety for these two…. ah well…… today is a new day.
Shout out to Nick the Punter as a very possible Summer MVP. Goals, Assists, tents and a cheery attitude. We will see if that smile holds after a year in Over 40 Premier!
Ram “Crocodile Dundee” and Jesus celebrate as only they can.
More post-game goodness.
Beerca Grillmasters!
Chef Jefe getting his meat on.
Incoming Jaybone cooler strike!!! Chappy’s wet parts after approximately 20 gallons of water and 12 pounds of ice was dumped on him. Ciro was most likely involved in the planning.
And then there were three. Last known photo.

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