Snakebitten: Cobra Bites Back as Honey Badgers Succumb to Another 2-1 Defeat

Ben was all smiles when he unexpectantly learned that he would wear the Honey Badger jersery one more time.
Ben was all smiles when he unexpectantly learned that he would wear the Honey Badger jersery one more time.

Another week, another 1 goal loss. At least the Honey Badgers are developing some consistency. That’s three 1 goal losses out of four so far.

It was looking rough at kickoff as Cameron Road suited up 8 players to take on Austin Blues, and the Dragons were in full heckling form after their Division 12 win against a team of 65 year old women and one small child. It was looking like an uphill battle for sure. Still, the Honey Badgers almost scored within 30 seconds as Peterson’s first cross of the day found the Bald Dome of Power at the back post. But like most everything else this summer, the header clanged off the near post instead of finding the back of the net.

Adam finally arrived, then Willis, and then BT proceeded to warm up for 30 minutes on the sideline go get the team to a full eleven. And when Chappy spotted Ben loitering around in the Dragon tent, he became the lone sub for the weary Honey Badgers.

While Danimal was plastering Honey Badger stickers all over Wrigley Field, Jefe bossed the back line and played a hell of a game, turning most attacks away. In the second half, he was partnered with Cameron Road’s new defensive specialist, Ciro, nicknamed “Minimal.”

In typical Honey Badger fashion, Cameron Road went down a goal right at the end of the first half. It could have been two, but Ryan somehow managed to save a shot right off the line.

The second half comeback started off nicely as Jake got the ball to BT, who sent Derek into goal. With the keeper out, Derek chipped him for a fantastic opening goal to tie it up.

Unfortunately, the Blues again took the lead as Jake lay on the turf hurt, and their wayward cross/shot crept into the top corner.

Another frustrating 20 minutes of Honey Badger close calls followed as they again did everything but score. Derek hit another post with an excellent shot as he, Ben and Chappy formed a Bald Trident. Chappy pulled a Ciro and headed it right at the keeper. BT pumped several long-range shots at goal from way downtown (one of which may still be traveling to da moon). Ben made some great drives into the box. But just like last week, the ball would just not settle down in the back of the net. It was like a giant Pokemon was mysteriously wallowing in front of the Austin Blues goal, impeding the Honey Badgers path.

The game ended with their keeper making a double save to deny Cameron Road a tie. First on Ryan’s picture perfect curling shot at the top corner, and then he almost fumbled BT’s rocketed low shot half a minute later. Damn, snakebitten.

On a positive note, the villagers at Badger Town got to see Johnny Football (a.k.a. Mack from Always Sunny), score a pretty fantastic goal against the Punters. So there was that.

Quote of the day: While rocking out to a 20 minute version of Phil Collins’ In the Air Tonight after the game, Ciro busted out with “Punters….. can you feel it?”

It was that kinda day.
It was that kinda day.

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