Honey Badgers Show Grit by Only Giving up 3 Goals in 0-3 Loss to Levelfield

Only three games remain in “The Year of the Dead” (why does he keep saying that?) thankfully, and this week it’s Levelfield who are now in the Honey Badgers rear view mirror, never to be seen again except from the sidelines with a cold beer in hand.

Stunningly, this was one of Cameron Road’s better games in the Premier Division. Levelfield were a few boring personalities short of a full squad to start the match, and weren’t too eager to ram the ball down the Honey Badger’s throats like most teams. This gave CRU plenty of time on the ball in their half to work on their short game.

With 10 players, and one all-time babysitter, Cameron Road didn’t field a full squad themselves, until Peterson graciously showed up straight from a bachelor party weekend. Apparently, he got his powers of recovery by smoking the data packets from a mini usb drive.

Sure, the result was probably never in doubt, with Levelfield scoring from two scorchers in the first half and one cheeky chip in the second (next time, bring your own baby sitter, and tent #11!!), but this game was played at a much more Over 30A pace and the Honey Badgers were in it with a shout.

On any other given day, Ryan might have had a goal and an assist, Adam would have bagged a goal, and Ciro surely would have had a goal…. well, he would probably shoot it straight at the keeper in any division, but Cameron Road did carve out some great chances.

The Postgame was solid. Lots of beer, the sun was shining, snaps were flying, there were gummy bears, Brian was very particular with his dates, all in all not a shabby Sunday afternoon.

Man-of-the-Match: Big Dave had a self proclaimed heck of a game, so who are we to doubt him.

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