SUCK IT!!!! Badgers Lose Season Finale 2-1

Not even Peterson's epic Badger Throwback Jacket from a bygone era was enough to propel Cameron Road to victory.
Peterson’s epic Badger Throwback Jacket was not enough to propel Cameron Road to victory nor save his fantastic free kick from going off the post.

From the 20 minute delay, to the “phantom whistle,” to several shots off the post and the sub-par referee, it seemed like the Soccer Gods were conspiring against Cameron Road as they dropped their season finale against Juventus.

With a swolt sideline of subs and spectaters, Cameron Road started off the game in spectacular fashion, contolling the opening ten minutes of the game by keeping the ball in enemy territory. Andy nearly opened the scoring with a back post run, and Jefe pounded a long range shot that wasn’t too far off the mark.

Things were going so well, and Juventus couldn’t find a foothold in the game. But with one counter attack, and a crazy bounce of the ball off a Kraken limb, they were awarded a penalty kick. And just like that, all the momentum seemed to vanish as Cameron Road found themselves down 1-0.

From there, Juventus got more into the game, and a proper rainy winter’s day street fight broke out.

In what will forever go down in Cameron Road lore as the “phantom whistle,” the entire team stopped as they thought they heard/saw the referee stop play. Unfortunately for Cameron Road, play continued with the Juve attacker gifted an open highway to Jaybone City, and within moments it was 2-0. That pretty much enraged the Honey Badgers sufficiently and broke the sacred bond of trust with the referee. Things were not looking good.

As the second half kicked off, the intensity ramped up, and the Honey Badgers again crashed the goal with waves of BT, Ryan, Derek and Andy.

Juventus were masters of the Dark Arts though, commiting persistent fouls, and slowing down play whenever possible. It was turning into a frustrating day at the office.

Fresh from a month layoff and sporting a new pair of Nikes, Dermot got into the game and injected some much needed energy into the side. His aggressive play helped the Honey Badgers keep the ball in the Juve half of the field. Still, with all  the time spent in down there, the Honey Badgers just couldnt score. Adam hit the post with a close range header, and everyone’ shots had a sneaky way of finding the keeper’s outstretched mits.

As precious time ran out, the Honey Badgers were given a brief lifeline as Jake pounded in a header off  corner kick and screamed the battle cry “SUCK IT!!! SUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK ITTTTTTT!!!”

But there was to be no comeback this week as the referee’s whistle blew for the final time (we ALL heard that) in what seemed to many a shortened half.

To add a little more misery to the afternoon, those damn Dragons were busy putting the finishing touches on a perfect season. The horror…….. The horror.

Fortunately for everybody, The Fall Cup is only days away, and another chance at glory in 2015 awaits.

Man-Of-The-Match: tough one, despite the loss, everyone played well. Ryan had an exceptional game, Ciro (once wam) was great in midfield, until he came up with a hammy tweak BT was running the show, Dermot injected much needed energy into the squad, Cuyler pushed forward and was always dangerous with his delivery….. the list goes on. But Jake’s one shining moment at the end of the game punctuated with his passionate rally cry takes the cake this week.


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