Baker Street 4 – Luke’s Throw Ins 3

Cameron Road’s seven game win streak ran up against a Texas tornado yesterday and they were blown momentarily off course by Baker Street in a 4-3 loss. The wind played a huge factor as all but one of the seven goals was scored with it. The mighty Honey Badgers put themselves in a fantastic position with a 3-1 lead going into the half, but couldn’t hold on in the second half as they were beaten by three unanswered goals. Bummer.

The team showed up strong with another fine turnout of five subs on the sidelines. The Honey Badgers were gifted the substantial wind to start the game, and took advantage of it immediately in the first several minutes as Luke unleashed the first of many missiles. His thunderous throw in made its way over everybody and found Chappy inside the 6 yard box. With a gentle flick of the ball at the near post from his balding dome of power, the beer-swapping prankster put the Honey Badgers up 1-0.

Baker Street drew level at one a piece shortly after, and it was clear that Cameron Road was going to have to go back to work. And after much back and forth play, it was Luke who again played the provider. This time, his massive throw found its way to Zoran at the back post. Big Z ignored Ryan’s pleas to drop the ball and instead fired off a low, hard shot that beat the keeper to the front post. 2-1 Cameron Road.

And to add to his already historic half of heaves, Luke’s final gargantuan throw in flew past everyone in the center of the box and struck a Baker Street player on its way into the back of the net. With a 3-1 lead and a healthy heap of momentum, the Honey Badgers were in dreamland.

Oh how quickly things changed for America’s #1 recreational soccer team. With the wind at their backs, Baker Street pressed the attack trying to get back into the game. Their first comeback goal was a bit of a fluke, as they whipped in a corner kick that caught the wind and sailed straight past the back post for an untouched goal.

With that bit of momentum, things started to turn for them and it got worse for the Honey Badgers as another corner kick found Baker Streets gentle giant of a captain at the back post who headed it in to tie things up at 3’s.

Not that the Honey Badgers were out of it, but it wasn’t their day to come from behind. One of the best chances came from El Jefe, who took a spell at right wing to deliver a fantastic cross to Peterson who was darting down the center of the pitch. There were other half chances with Ciro taking a few pops, and Cuyler’s long free kick narrowly missing Andy at the back post.

And to add insult to injury, Baker Street managed to score the game winner with only two minutes remaining – much to the protests of the players inside the box and an absolutely irate BT on the sidelines. It seemed as though a Baker Street player in an offside position hampered Jay’s ability to get to the ball, but no foul was given and that was all she wrote.

So the Honey Badgers tried to turn their foul mood around with their customary sideline hijinks which included: drinking a lot of beer, heckling Takoba and Chopped Liverpool, unmercifully taunting Scotty Boykin from the sideline, swapping out people’s freshly opened beers for empty bottles, trying to attach Gigi to his lawn chair, kicking soccer balls into anyone’s groin, throwing soccer balls at anyone holding a phone, kicking Ciro’s soccer ball into the tree line, putting Stripy’s Birkenstocks in the cooler…. you get the idea. By 4:00 most of the memories of the tough loss were behind the Honey Badgers.

Man-of-the-Match: Luke’s throw ins were pretty much Cameron Road’s offense yesterday and earned him a gold star to go along with his newborn baby…. Jefe, did you hear Luke had a baby? Just checking. Well done Dad!

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