Unlucky Lounge Shaken And Stirred As Honey Badgers Wreak Havoc In A 6-1 Victory

It is a scientific fact that dogs can smell quality soccer, as this visitor to the post-game tent illustrates.
It is a scientific fact that dogs can smell quality soccer.

Last week’s special guest trip to the Spirit World is replaced by a more familiar narrative. This week, we turn the page on chapter 5, as the Honey Badgers mauled Lucky Lounge 6-1 for their fourth win in a row.

At 11:15am, the Badger Den looked like a homeless soup kitchen packed with Scotty Boykin and various Verity riff-raff. By high noon, it was stocked with eager Cameron Road players, ready to continue their hot streak and show no mercy to their opponent. The Honey Badgers welcomed back “New Chris” to the lineup for his first action this season after jacking up his ankle at practice a few months ago. It was great to have his bundles of energy back on the pitch.

Lucky Lounge have been having a rough time getting acclimated to Over 30 B. Their results have been less than stellar, and they were still looking for their first win of the season. Unfortunately for them, Cameron Road has been flying high after parting with the Clark Field trophy, and it was going to be tough for the visitors to tame the beast once it had a scent of the cobra’s blood.

From the start, Cameron Road was looking to attack. Derek almost put one in the back of the net after Chappy played him in on the right of the box. His shot was saved, but he popped up on the left side of the box soon after to give Cameron Road the opening goal of the match after Gigi provided him the pass.

1-0 Cameron Road

The second goal came right down the center as Luke got BT the ball where he was able to toe-poke in a powerful shot from the top of the box past the Lucky Lounge keeper.

2-0 Cameron Road

Sensing things could get out of hand quickly, the Honey Badgers decided to gift Lucky Lounge a goal in the name of sportsmanship.

2-1 Cameron Road

For the next 20 minutes, both teams were actually on even footing, as Lucky Lounge looked for a way to get back in the game, but they were unable to breakdown the stout Honey Badger back line. With Billy and New Chris soaking up pressure on the flanks and getting up field on offense, Cuyler, Luke and Jefe provided the muscle in the center to shield Jay from most of the danger. There was a lighter moment when Peterson called out the head of referees on a first name basis to protest a hand ball earning himself a yellow card.

At the business end, Gigi got free but shot right at the keeper from close range.

It was a calm halftime, but the Honey Badgers never felt threatened going into the second half.

With the wind at their backs, Cameron Road absolutely destroyed Lucky Lounge for the next 45 minutes. It was pretty much a constant wave of attacking football.

Chappy got the party started after Luke pumped in one of his trademark long throw into the box. He scuffed the header off his sunscreen slicked face, but managed to scuff in the rebound past the keeper with a flick of the right bunion.

3-1 Cameron Road

As the attacks kept coming, players were smelling blood. Peterson was crossing everything from the right, Gigi was on a mission to continue his goal streak, Ryan pushed forward, there was a Milton sighting in the box, Derek wanted a second goal, the Kraken set off on his customary runs, and Jefe took a pop from distance.

It was just a matter of time before the next goal came. And what a goal it was! Definite candidate for goal of the season as Derek weaved his way in on the right hand side and crossed a ball to Jake at the far post. With several inches of height to his advantage, the sideline crew though Jake would get his head on the ball, but as it floated down, Jake had other plans. Instead, he connected with it perfectly and absolutely smashed it out of thin air into the back of the net. The perfect volley. The sideline crew erupted.

4-1 Cameron Road

If things weren’t going well enough for Cameron Road, their part-time Punter was warming up on the sidelines. Travis, clad in fresh red-hooped socks and the proper hue of royal blue shorts, would be coming onto field soon to get in on the action. And it didn’t take long for him to have an impact, as he literally scored within 45 seconds of stepping onto the pitch. Jerk. Ciro got him the ball in his favorite left hand side of the box, and the big man rifled in a low shot to the near post through traffic.

5-1 Cameron Road

The Honey Badgers just couldn’t stop scoring. With goals in their eyes, the midfield pushed forward as everyone wanted in on the action.

The final nail in the coffin was another special goal. After scoring one goal, steamrolling a pudgy, Harry Potter looking right back into the turf, and shaking off a very clingy midfielder with some chin music, Chappy was feeling the effects of his self-imposed post-Mexico detox. He was on the scent of a second goal, and found his partner in crime with the ball at his feet on the opposite side of the pitch. With fleeting eye contact made, the die was cast for a Peterson foot to Chappy head combination platter and Chris served up a back post special. With Ryan running interference in front of him, Chappy screamed out for the ball and let the Bald Dome of Power take over as he nailed it back across the face of goal past the onrushing keeper.

6-1 Cameorn Road

The game was over, the but the Honey Badgers weren’t done. Gigi was desperate to continue his goal-scoring streak and took on 4 defenders on a fast break. And with the Lucky Lounge defense sufficiently softened up, Jefe broke forward on another. His mad dash to the goal was cut short however, as eagle-eyed Aubry spied him at least 30 yards offside.

And so the final whistle mercifully blew. Ending 45 minutes of torment for Lucky Lounge.

That’s four in a row for Cameron Road as the continue to pile pressure on first place Dragons. (First place Dragons…. there’s a phrase you don’t expect to hear every day) Another fantastic team performance by the Honey Badgers as 10 player were involved in scoring (well, 11 actually if you count Cuyler). With two weeks to prepare for struggling Tacoba, things are looking great for an extended stay at the top of the table.

Man-of-the-Match: With the cleanest, most perfect strike of the ball he might ever have, Jake’s wonder goal earned him this week’s honors.

Post-Game-Celebration: The Post Game was like a Clark Field love-in. With the Punters playing on field 2, Badger City was moved for the first time ever in its entirety so that they Cameron Road could lend their support to their Wednesday night mates. Or it could have been to yell at Travis when he put a free kick into the tree line, or Jose when he collapsed in front of goal, or Glendon when he attempted one of 17 back heels, or just to marvel at the mighty eagle claw as it snatched and grabbed eggs from it’s nest. Who can know for sure. And if that wasn’t enough, the remaining Dragons joined in on the celebration. It was pure chaos. Honey Badgers were icing Dragons, Dragons were ice bathing Honey Badgers, Honey Badgers were ice bathing each other, Jefe was ice bathing Punters. If there is a city wide water shortage, look no further than the Onion Creek sidelines for the culprits.

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