CRU 1 – Fade to Black 0

With a hazy, hot film blanketing the sky, Cameron Road United took the field early Sunday morning and started their annual summer campaign off in style with a 1-0 victory over Fade to Black. Even at 8 a.m. the humidity was high, but Cameron Road used their recent good form to cut through the stifling heat and through the heart of the Fade to Black defense.

The subs were plenty, the scoring chances came early and often, and the defense managed to keep the shots to a minimum all day long. Even though the scoreline wasn’t very flattering, Cameron Road bossed the game and cranked out attempts on goal throughout the match.

Andy and Chap had early headers that just missed. Steve McKenna could have scored a hat trick. BT sizzled a left footer wide. Peterson had a few pops, etc. etc.

The goal came when Cameron Road “released the Kracken”, who curled in a beautiful left-footed free kick into the top corner from about 40 yards out.

Jay wasn’t troubled too much in goal, only having to make a few saves from the dangerous moves of Fade to Black’s thick-legged forward.

Having been recently promoted from the practice squad to the first team, Stripey had a few nice passes that just missed their mark while trying to get used to the big pitch from Clark Field. Maybe turning a shred of his talismanic green and white polo into a headband next week will help calm his nerves.

All in all it was a good performance and a good turnout to start the summer season. It’s gonna get mighty hot in the weeks to come, so it’s nice to have some points in the bag early on.

Man-of-the-Match: With a David Beckhamesque free kick, the Kracken started right back up where he left off last year: playing intimidating defense and scoring brilliant goals. Now go back to your silent slumber underneath the sea until we call on you again.

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