Spring Season Starts with Close 0-2 Loss to Barcenal FC

Shoe vs. Shoe: a show of footware solidarity, or an epic showdown of branding for the chase for the golden boot?

In a close match with Division leading Barcenal FC, Cameron Road United came up just short of an opening day victory with an 0-2 defeat to start the spring season. Returning to the scene of last year’s epic Fall Cup final, CRU suited up 16 strong to kick off the first game of the “end of days.” Fresh from a month’s worth of practice at the new and improved Clark Field (a.k.a. Honey Badger Stadium), Cameron Road looked to come out strong and show Barcenal that the 4-1 drubbing they unleashed last fall was a fluke.

From the opening whistle, it looked as though CRU was proving to be more dangerous than their last outing against Barcenal. Willis (decked out in his much talked about Mothra-Mizuno boots from overseas) was first to latch onto a thru-ball to charge towards goal. His early deep run set the tone for CRU’s attacking play. Ciro and Peterson moved the ball around the midfield, looking for chinks in the Barcenal armor. A nice cross by Chappy from the right almost found Way inside the box, and a sizzling left-footed cross from Willis nearly paid off with a goal as Chris Peterson connected with it and put it on goal. McKenna also had a Nani-like run and cross deep inside the box that could have resulted in a goal.

Barnaby got in the mix in the center of the field, showing off his silky control and trying to get some much needed time on the ball. As the two sides traded jabs, it was Barcenal who landed the first uppercut to the chin and sent Cameron Road reeling into the ropes. As they started to power through the midfield with their talented attackers, they were able to fire in a nice long range shot to go up 1-0.

With the usual shaky start behind them, Cameron Road tried to put on some more pressure, with Billy, Luke and Andy soaking up attacks from the back. Jay was called upon to make his first great save of 2012 with a fingertip dive that sent another shot over the bar. And then Jay produced his second miraculous save as he was forced to face a Barcenal P/K. Guessing correctly, Jay dove to his right and sent CRU into halftime with a bit of momentum.

To start the second half, it was McKenna (debuting his new Nike Tiempos – an excellent attacking choice) who again almost got Cameron Road back into the game as his 30 yard screamer just clipped the crossbar. The Honey Badgers continued to press high up the pitch looking for a tying goal. As the half wore on, the passing got better in the center of the park, but Barcenal were also attacking and showing the patience on the ball that put them into first place. Unfortunately, one of their attacks resulted in another goal, even as Jay protested the seemingly 5 yard head start that wasn’t called.

Down 0-2, Cameron Road really ratcheted up the pressure and pushed forward, coming up with several really good chances of scoring. Willis found Stripy in front of goal, a Chap to Peterson to Andy point blank header nearly went it, and Adam let loose an attempt from inside the box… each attempt coming ever-so-close.

Then, as a loose ball rolled the the keeper, Way the Fearless darted to the ball, hurling his 78lb. frame into harms way. As the keeper and defender collided with him, the referee awarded CRU a P/K. Unfortunately, Steve McKenna’s shot was saved, and Cameron Road was again denied the goal that they deserved.

With the game closing down, Andy, El Jefe, Luke, Dave and Crosley took turns seeing that Barcenal’s lead wasn’t increased. Crosley gets a special mention for taking a shot to the dome without missing a beat.

So the start to the season ended with a hard-fought 0-2 loss, but the effort and play was miles better than the last time these two foes faced each other. Cameron Road walked away a bit deflated, but encouraged at the prospects of getting a win next Sunday.

Man-of-the-Match: With back to back great saves, including one from a P/K, Jay set the tone for the season and earned himself one MOTM apple with a hole in it.


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