Cameron Road are crowned “Statistical Co-Champions” of the 2011 Austin Fall Cup

The Honey Badger Crew relaxing between games at the 2011 Austin Fall Cup.

Although each team ended up with identical 2-2-1 records, Brazil FC managed to nick Cameron Road United by a goal to win the final match 3-2. The Honey Badgers did themselves proud though, reaching the finals for the first time in the Fall Cup competition.

Cameron Road produced a magical run to the finals a la last year’s Green Bay Packers, but just fell short in their bid to lay claim to the D4 title at the 2011 Austin Fall Cup. Starting off with two 0-0 draws on Saturday against Austin Athletic Club and Celtic Cowboys, the Honey Badgers escaped from the pack and went into the playoffs as the top seed with a thrilling must-win victory on Sunday against Brazil FC. Then, in their first semi-final win ever, Cameron Road beat the Refugees to send them into a finals rematch with Brazil FC.

Leif Sherry was able to rejoin his Cameron Road United brothers after moving to Louisiana. As always, his fantastic array of facial hair was an inspiration to all.

In the first game, Cameron Road squared off against fellow D3 rivals Austin Athletic Club – who appeared to have a few D1 ringers on board for the ride. With a stiff wind blowing, 15 Honey Badgers suited up to try and give AAC a better match than the previous week’s regular season finale. Cameron Road welcomed back special guest Leif Sherry and his family. Dr. Sherry was dressed for battle in his best Sam Houston facial hair, complete with mutton chops and a wrap-around mustache. Brilliant. Cameron Road also welcomed newcomer Jeff “Little Jefe” Little into the den, complete with war stories of sheet metal accidents and plunging from the heights of the Town Lake bridge on a giant skateboard.

The game started off queasily as one of the AAC players suffered a broken arm when he collided with Luke and hit the ground awkwardly bracing for the fall. After the crack medical staff tended to the fallen player, Cameron Road spent the first 30 minutes passing the ball around to no one in particular, and trying to survive a sloppy first half without conceding a goal. In the second half, Cameron Road did manage to play better. Leif and Daniel’s presence in the middle of the field settled down the Honey Badgers as they gained more time on the ball. The most exciting play of the game, however, came when AAC’s D1 forward had his back to goal and managed to flick an overhead kick behind him that went narrowly over the bar. After 60 minutes of not-so-great soccer, both teams escaped with a 0-0 draw and 4 points – although Cameron Road probably felt better about the result given the stiff competition.

In years past, Cameron Road regrouped between games with a gluttonous onslaught of fire grilled sausage wraps, but due to the burn ban consuming the city, they had to settle for a much less manly refueling of trail mix, snickers bars and random pieces of fruit. It would have to suffice.

Next up on the schedule after almost 3 hours rest was the Celtic Cowboys… another old rival from eons past, although this was a watered down version of the prolific green and white attackers from across the pond. With two less players to choose from (Dave and Dermot had to excuse themselves), but substantially more fans on the sidelines due to Daniel’s ever growing posse, Cameron Road prepared to take on the second match of the day.

The game was on field 10, which was nestled up snugly to the powerful and majestic tree line. As various members of the team took their pre-game pees in the woods, Ryan noticed Andy wandering deep into the shadowy forest, like a Hobbit trying to find his way back to Bag End. Andy emerged with an offering from the Soccer Gods, a giant Godzilla-like dinosaur bone – surely from ancient times where 700 foot mythical creatures battled it out for soccer supremacy.

The ancient gift from the Gods was christened with Modelo and placed in it's rightful place in the tree line - to watch over Cameron Road's title run.

To start the game off, Chris Peterson took a turn at forward and let Leif, Ciro and Daniel man the center of midfield. Andy pushed back into defense, while Luke and Danimal continued their partnership in front of Jay. The game was a less than memorable affair, with both teams jousting back and forth looking for an edge. Even the raging shouts of “Go Honey Badgers!!” from the sidelines weren’t enough to propel CRU to a victory. They had to settle for a 0-0 draw with Celtic. Still, it was another good display and a positive result heading into match day 2. Cut to open ice chests and empty beer cans.

After plugging away all night, the Cameron Road Bracketology Computer (which incidently runs on gin and smoked meats) figured out that an all out victory on Sunday’s last group match would insure CRU a place in the semi-finals. A loss would be out of the question, and a draw would be iffy, so it was a “win-or-go-home” mentality that took up camp Honey Badger on Sunday morning.

As the troops gathered for the game with Brazil FC, Cameron Road unveiled their stockpile of fresh-legged secret weapons. Billy, Crosley and goal-scoring machine Steve McKenna were bright eyed and bushy tailed – ready to tear the head off a cobra. Cameron Road asserted themselves from the start, attacking Brazil with ferocity. Chris Peterson sent in a myriad of beautiful corner kicks, one met by a double-fisted Luke and several met by Chappy. The game was taking shape with Cameron Road as the dominant force. Still, at half time it was tied at zeros and CRU only had 30 minutes to continue their tournament hopes.

Captain Chappy ended up being the one to step up and grab a goal that would hopefully send them into the semi finals. Andy played him into the left side of the box where a Brazil defender hacked at his legs, but the stubborn Chappy refused to go down for a penalty. Instead, he collided with the onrushing keeper, but then popped back up, did a little shimmy and spotted Ryan on the opposite side of the box. As he just got off a left footed smack on the ball, a funny thing happened – the ball lifted over the keeper’s head and floated into the back of the net for what turned out to be the winning goal.

For the rest of the game, Cameron Road buckled down, played magnificent defense, and closed out the boys from Larado for a dramatic group-toping trip to the semi finals.

With the adrenaline still pumping, CRU had a short rest before facing a familiar face for the semi-final match: The Refugees. As everyone can recall, they were the opponent in one of the most far-fetched finishes of all time at last year’s tournament, and so the Honey Badgers were cautious and wanted to avoid another game that got out of hand.

As it turned out, this year’s Refugee squad was much better behaved and the game was pretty much in control. With recently ousted Austin Athletic Club cheering them on from the sidelines, Cameron Road played another fantastic game and pushed through to the finals with spectacular goals from Gianluca and Steve McKenna. Gianluca struck first in the opening half with a low powerful shot to the corner. After the Refugees evened the score with a kung-fu flick inside the box off a free kick, Cameron Road headed into the second half all tied up. After Ciro had a nice shot on goal, Steve McKenna was the next forward to opening his tournament scoring account with another low shot to the far post putting the Honey Badgers back on top. As the half wore down, Willis almost put the game out of reach with a few nips from the old goal bottle right in front of goal. Unfortunately, his actual nips of muscle-healing scotch the night before were the most likely culprit for just coming up short on his attempts.

As the final whistle blew, Cameron Road was treated to cheers as they downed the Refugees 2-1 and advanced to their first tournament final in 5 years.

With tired legs but fantastic team spirits, Cameron Road returned to field 10 where the Godzilla bone was waiting for them. As they prepared to play their 5th game in 24 hours, they were dealt a bit of a bad omen as they were told to adorn their hideous white, ARM FC jerseys (hopefully for the last time).

As the championship match kicked off, Brazil FC seemed to posses a jump in their step that had been missing from their previous match. Their 22 year old #15 took turns slicing through the defense with their #20, but Cameron Road stood tall. Mostly with Danimal booming away any danger. And as it turned out, it was Cameron Road who struck first blood from a corner kick on the north end. Steve McKenna whipped in a beautiful corner, and Ryan Willis unleashed his inner Honey Badger on the Brazil Keeper. He just didn’t give a shit as he unmercifully backed the keeper into the goal as he met McKenna’s cross… by the time he had the ball in his hands, he was already in his own goal and Cameron Road was up 1-0. Scrappy play from the ageless forward.

BT watched on and offered smart-ass words of encouragement as his team mates battled it out for D4 supremacy.

After a quick equalizer on a p/k, it was Cameron Road who again took the lead as Steve McKenna again showed his class. Dave played him a brilliant through ball from his own half and Steve ran onto the ball, chesting it down, and unleashed a vicious shot that beat the keeper to his far post. 2-1 and things were looking rosy.

But the youngsters from Brazil were not giving up that easily. A long range bomb from the left side quickly made it 2-2 going into the half. The second half was a blur as everyone was tiring from way too much soccer, but everyone from the Cameron Road side played their hearts out.

Dave... unjustly banished from the finals, watched on from afar... comforted by his beer and Honey Badger t-shirt.

Dave was the unfortunate recipient of two dodgy referee calls and ended up with 2 yellows, but the 10 men side battled it out to the end. Dermot was feisty as ever, Jay made his usual miraculous fingertip saves, super sub Jeff shouted and scrapped at every opportunity, and everyone else gave it their all… all while BT shouted instructions and encouragement from the sidelines.

Unfortunately, another long range bomb put Brazil FC up for good and they were crowned D4 Champions as time ran out. Although the Honey Badgers were dissapointed in the loss, everyone reflected upon a brilliant tournament that ended in a first time finals run.

There won’t be a Man-of-the-Match award given out for the weekend. Getting to the finals and playing 5 games in 24 hours was a total group effort. But there were some standout moments and performances including: Luke’s throw-ins which were the weekend’s best weapons, Leif’s facial hair which was straight out of the battle of the Alamo, the entire defense which was magnificent ALL weekend, Danimal’s clearances, Jay’s usual array of brilliant saves, Jeff’s “new blood” enthusiasm and Steve McKenna’s 2.5 goals Sunday performance.

Thanks for everyone, and we’ll see if we can’t take home a title next year!!

Everyone relaxing after the finals match with a choice cold beverage or two. Special thanks to Billy for providing the "Scottsman's Condom" to safely remove all trash and cans from the field.

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