Los Pumas Sneaker Out of Town with an Opening Day Victory

Bob throws up some Cajun farewell signs after his last game.

Cameron Road United fell to Los Pumas 2-1 on the opening day of the Spring Season. In addition to the loss on the pitch, they lost one of their great teammates, as Bob Hutchinson played his final game for the club he grew up idolizing as a tiny coon ass. Tragic any way you slice it.

Given his wish to play whatever position he wanted to on his final appearance, Bob placed himself right at the tip of the attack in the forward spot hoping to bag a farewell goal in lieu of stopping one. His energy and deep runs almost paid off several times as he got his head on several crosses in front of goal.

Filling in for Bob was new recruit Danny, who Cameron Road picked up after coming highly recommended from some former CRU boys in Big D. Danny immediately put his stamp on the game with his aggressive play, hard tackles, and fiery demeanor. Looking like Cuyler-light with his bearded facade, Danny roamed the back line with BT beside him, Billy on his right, and Dave on his left.

Ciro, Chappy, Leif and Way manned the midfield while Willis, Stripy and McKenna took turns partnering Bob up front. Scott arrived after his previous game and played his usual spot… which is pretty much anywhere he was needed.

In the opening moments, Cameron Road tried to shake off the rust of a two month off season, and it showed with a lack of possession, some sloppy passing, and too many turnovers. Los Pumas stuck first with an opening goal that was far too easy for them to score as they tapped it in for a 1-0 lead.

Cameron Road struggled to create any scoring chances in the first half, but Bob did manage to get a head on a corner kick and a long-range cross from BT. Perhaps their best opportunity to score came when BT juked and jived his way into the box only to get chopped down by a defender. Looking like a clear cut penalty all the way, but the referee signaled for play to go on, enraging BT and several team mates.

As the half whistle blew, Cameron Road went off frustrated… as much by their own poor play as anything.

The second half started much brighter for the boys in gold, Steve McKenna and Bob pushed forward while Leif, BT and Ciro pulled the strings from the midfield. Scott partnered Danny in central defense to try and shut down any further Puma attacks.

Cameron Road’s first opportunity saw Stripey release a great crossing ball from the right hand side to an onrushing Chappy form the left. Approaching goal, Chappy assessed his options and decided that a first touch was the way to go before firing in on goal. Unfortunately, the keeper scrambled out off his line and broke up the play before he could get a second touch. Shouts of “First Time!!” echoed from the sidelines in a very familiar smart ass voice that sounded an awful lot like Ryan Willis.

A second opportunity lost came when McKenna(?) strolled into the box and again was fouled without a call, but the ball bounced back to Bob who’s high side footed shot went just wide of the right post. Maybe Bob should have instead attempted one last scorpion kick?

The back was looking tighter, as Billy rose to head away countless balls from any danger. Continuing to bring the fight to Los Pumas, Cameron Road started to get more chances with crossing balls and corner kicks, but just couldn’t find the break through. And as luck would have it, they gave up another mixed up goal and went down 0-2.

With 10 minutes to go and down 2 goals, things were looking bleak for a nice send off for Bob and an opening day victory, but quickly after the restart, Leif and McKenna combined for a rapid fire goal as both converged on a ball in the box. Breaking down the game film, the ball appeared to leave Leif’s shin and ended up in the bottom corner. Sensing a bit of momentum, Cameron Road despirately tried to equalize, but just couldn’t find the back of the net.

And so ended another disappointing close loss for Cameron Road who unfortunately couldn’t send Bob out with a win. Hopefully though, the cobwebs have been shaken off and next week will be a different story against Massive Attack.

Man-of-the-Match: In his final game, Bob earned a special lifetime achievement award as Cameron Road’s finest Cajun Defender. Everybody try and come out to practice on Wednesday night so you can have a beer with Bob at the Crown and send him off in proper fashion.

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