CRU 4 – Moneyland 2

Last game of the summer season and we responded with a nice late comeback win with loads of post-game beer options. This game had it all, early goals, late goals, comebacks, fights, you name it. 

Since Moneyland didn’t show up last week for their game, we were a little worried that they would do the same to us this week, but they showed up in full force with about 6 subs. 

We got underway and immediately reversed our growing trend of getting scored on early by putting the pressure on our opponents with a lightning fast opening goal. Steve picked up the ball in the middle of the park and played me in with a perfectly weighted pass, which I was able to just pull across the face of the goal with my left foot and see it roll ever so slowly into the far corner of the net. 

Things continued to go well as we had a few more cracks at goal, but Moneyland caught a break when we had an inadvertent hand ball in the box and they were awarded a penalty. Jay made a fantastic point blank save of the PK but Moneyland was able to sneak in the rebound and we were all tied up. 

We immediately turned up the heat and tried to get back the lead, Luke floated in a ball to me inside the box that I lofted up over the keeper. Thought it was going to score for sure but it clanged off the inside of the far post and went across to the opposite post where the keeper gathered it up. A little later, BT fired in an absolute missile that smacked the crossbar, and Ryan Willis blasted another shot into the majestic tree line. 

Moneyland ended up scoring next when an attacker was unmarked and was able to put in another goal. On the positive side, everyone knows we love the dramatic comeback, so it was up to Cameron Road to deliver the goods, and deliver the goods we did with a stellar goal from Mr. Willis. Dermot, fresh from his month long trip to the old country, made a run down the right hand side, lost the ball, won it back, lost it, won it back, fell down, won it back, and finally ended up winning us a free kick with his tenacity and never-say-die spirit. Willis marked his spot and sent in a perfect, curling free kick into the top right hand corner to put us back on level terms. I didn’t see it, but he swears he dropped to his ass and scootched around like a dog marking his territory for a victory celebration. “A dog marking his territory?” The only time I’ve ever seen a dog scootch around on his ass was when it had worms, but if Ryan wants to use it to crown his wonderful strike, so be it.

As the second half started, tempers started to flare up between the two teams. Moneyland was complaining about every touch, throwing their own elbows around, and yapping at the ref like a bunch of pre-school children on the playground. They tried to push for another goal but Luke and Billy, playing full backs, denied most of their attempts, while Bob and Big John shut down everything in the middle of the pitch. 

Doing my best impression of Bob from two weeks ago,I charged down a ball in the box, it went through the keeper’s outstretched arms, my feet went through the outstretched keepers body, and I smashed it home while he screamed bloody murder about his throbbing leg or something. Whatever. But this would not be the last time we would meet in the box, oh no. 

With our new lead at 3-2, we continued to push forward. BT sent in some tasty crosses, Scott pumped a shot from long range, and Steve was his usual pit bull self trying to nab another goal. 

Like a replay of the last goal, I found myself barreling in on the keeper who came out and smashed me in the mouth, slightly chipping my tooth and punching me in the gut. Ok, so in my mind, I saw him throw a giant elbow to my face, which may or may not have been the case, but I ended up getting up in his grill and giving him my best Chuck Norris shove to the upper mid section, setting off a mini fracus in the box. Of course I felt like a bit of a tool walking off the field with my stepson Jude laughing at me, but what the heck, I haven’t been in a soccer fight in about 5 years so I guess I was due. 

As tempers on both teams reached a boiling point with players chopping each other down, throwing their best hidden elbows and saying some not to kind words to each other, Cameron Road pounced on the momentum to put the game away for good. Steve latched onto a ball around the edge of the box, rounded the keeper and smashed it home for his 7th goal of the season and our 4th of the day. 

The game ended 4-2 and was a great way to finish off a pretty productive summer season. We sat and drank beer and enjoyed the win. Not a bad way to spend your Sunday morning. We’ve got 6 weeks off until the ‘real’ season starts, but I think everyone can see we’ve got a lot to look forward to with this group of guys and the added bonus of newcomers Steve and Big John. Enjoy the time off lads, but don’t forget practice every Wednesday night. 

Man-of-the-Match: This one goes to the hardest working forward of the past couple of weeks, Ryan Willis. Every time I looked up Ryan was getting back on D, he was a constant threat up front, he sent in assists, and had one of the sweetest free kicks of the season. He’s like our own personal Wayne Rooney… minus about 100 lbs.

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