And The Oscar Goes To….

Best Impersonation of an Over 30 Premier Team: Cameron Road Untied.

Best Header of a Ball Without Knowing You are Heading a Ball: BT, after Jaybone nailed him in the back of the head.

Best Comeback Line: Ryan Willis for his timely comment to last week’s referee after the umpteenth Wickham goal went in. “What do we have to say to get this game called off?”

Best Wardrobe.: Billy Milton just barely beat out perennial favorite Brian Schawrz with his lovely, purple and gray ladies tee straight off the set of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Best Hair: Chris Peterson in a landslide. This is Chris’s 42nd win a row.

Best Failure to do the your One and Only Job: Chappy. After Gianluca’s lovely cross found the Bald Dome of Power inside the 18 yard box but his header zipped past the outside post.

Best Incredible Save: Jay. After pawing away a point blank header.

Best Pre-Game Sound Idea: Not eating one of Derek’s baked goods.

Best Team Effort: Cameron Road United. For keeping #21 off the score sheet.

Best Old Friend Who We Lost This Year: A tie! Big Dave’s shorts and sliding shorts. R.I.P.

Best Back Pass: Jefe’s header.

Best Timely Payment of Team Fees in Cash: Bret

Best Once and For All Last Name Pronunciation: Chris Gr-eye-ger

Best Receiving a Payback Ice Bath: Ryan Willis, after Chappy evened up the score.

Best Administration of a Gentle Beatdown: Wickham. For dropping 8 goals on the Honey Badgers, but doing it in a way where we weren’t really to bothered about it.

Best News of the Day: 8 more games to go!!!

Billy and his fashion forward winning ensemble.
Billy and his fashion forward winning ensemble.


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