Memorial Day Massacre

If you happened to catch the Champions League final, it was a good analogy for The Honey Badgers last game of the 2013/2014 season. Like Atletico Madrid, Cameron Road stood toe to toe with Austin Athletic Club until they were overcome by injuries, exhaustion, and a lack of fresh bodies to call upon. The final score of 6-1 wasn’t a fair representation of the entire game, but it was a bitter, tragic end to an up and down campaign.

Cameron Road knew it was going to be a tough day at the office with only half of the team available to suit up. And that squad included a walking wounded lineup of Ryan, who was nursing a pulled hammy, Jake, who was nursing a bad toe, and Jefe, who was trying to play on a bad groin.

It didn’t get any better when the 12 regular AAC players were joined by 7 or 8 of their ringers. Classy.

With a depleted squad, nothing really to play for, and a horde of AAC players filling up the sidelines, CRU took the pitch like the mighty Leonids facing the entire Persian army. But like the Spartans, the Honey Badgers dug in, formed ranks and led their attackers through the Hot Gates for a glorious 45 minutes.

The game didn’t start off well as CR gave up an unlucky own goal for the second week in a row. They could have thrown in the towel then, but they continued to fight and hope for a goal on the counter attack, which was actually in play with Ryan and Steve on the prowl.

As the waves of AAC players grew frustrated with their one goal lead, the Honey Badgers fought bravely on tiring legs to stay in the game. At one point, Jefe came close to scoring in a mad corner kick scum in front of goal. Shortly after that, Chappy launched a lunging header from outside the box that the keeper just barely pushed over the crossbar. The Honey Badgers just needed one opportunity to even things up.

That opportunity started with an Austin Athletic attacker flopping into Ciro at the back. With the ball at his feet, Ciro broke free and got the ball to Chappy sprinting down the left wing. Chappy saw Steve making an unmarked back post run and he delivered a cross into his path. Steve shot and collided with the keeper and the ball went back out into play where Ciro rushed to it and curled in a shot to the far post past the outstretched AAC keeper. Unfortunately, Steve’s hustle for the goal cost him the second half of action as his hamstring went bye bye.

And at the half, the Honey Badgers were level with big, bad Austin Athletic Club, but were facing an uphill battle in the second.

The second half….well, shit got ugly in a hurry. After peaking for the first 45 minutes, mounting injuries and fatigue caught up with the Honey Badgers. Steve couldn’t continue, and then Ryan was forced out of the game with a knee injury to go along with his hamstring. Down to 10 men, Steve valiantly stepped into goal and allowed Jay to be CRU’s fresh legs up top.

But by that time, the 20 AAC players had already racked up 4 more goals.

As the final whistle mercifully blew, The Honey Badgers were left to lick their wounds and think what might have been in this up and down season.

But rest assured, with a fully fit and available squad, Cameron Road is looking to bounce back next season and reclaim the glory of years past.

Man-of-the-Match: Big thanks to DANIMAL, JEFE, JAY, PEYTON, JAKE, CROSLEY, ADAM, PETERSON, CIRO, CHAPPY, MCKENNA, and WILLIS for showing up and playing until your bodies ached.


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