CRU 2 – Black Star Austin 6

To quote The Stranger in the Big Lebowski, “sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you…”

Looks like we got eaten by the bear yesterday.  The first half was a total disaster. We went down 0-4 and were not looking very good. We couldn’t string any passes together, couldn’t create many chances, couldn’t keep Black Star out of our goal, couldn’t do much of anything. 

After a round of orange slices and some constructive critisism, we did hold our own in the second half and came out of it with a 2-2 score line. Actually, we created so many chances that we should have evened up the score. Luke had two shots, including a one-on-one with the keeper and another shot that fizzled. (Luke specifically requested that I use the word fizzled to describe one of his shots). I think Peterson hit the bar, as well as sailed one over from close range. Billy hit the bar. I’m sure there were more. We just couldn’t escape the giant hole that we dug for ourselves in the first half. 

Our two goals came from a 50 yard bomb free kick by Cuyler, and a last minute blazer by Peterson, who was working hard for a goal in the second half. 

Let’s just say we took one on the chin yesterday and move on to next week’s game against Shiner. As long as we play as a team, try and string some passes together (some means more than 2), fill in the holes, track back on defense, move on offense, take some shots and keep our cool, we’ll be fine. 

It’s been a long, tough season. We’ve lost a lot of good players, but gained a few as well… let’s end this thing on a high and whip Shiner to wrap it up!

Man-of-the-Match: Peterson narrowly beats out Cuyler this week for the honors. A goal at the death and several other great chances pushed us on in the second half.

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