“We Weren’t Terrible” – CRU 1 – Club America 1

Post game heat wave. Adam yawns.
Post game heat wave. Adam yawns.

Ahh the Summer Season. The wonderful time of year when it’s 100 degrees in the shade, you’re chasing 20 year old kids around the pitch (or watching them run by you), your opponent doesn’t want to play physical because it’s “only summer,” and the results are a mixed bag. Cameron Road faced all those obstacles yesterday as they kicked off the season with a draw against Club America. Here are some first game observations from the festivities.

  • Jefe’s spot next to the tree was money.
  • When it comes to lathering up with suntan lotion, Jaybone sets the standard.
  • Not punishing your opponent when they start the game 3 men down will always come back to haunt you.
  • Dear ref, it was a penalty. #cirosliceanddice
  • BT only needs a sliver of daylight to unleash an awesome shot on target.
  • Team soccer wins. The first goal was pretty sweet. Chappy got the ball in the channel and laid it off to Peterson. Peterson’s cross took a slight deflection but found McKenna at the back post. Steve headed it back across goal for Andy to head home.
  • Speaking of McKenna, all is right in his world as he was reunited with the #19 jersey which he has craved since joining the team. #thekrakenhasbeenreleased
  • Kids are fast.
  • Oranges are still delicious.
  • Body Armor sports drink contains many fantastic ingredients including the ground up heart of a grizzly bear in every bottle.
  • Chappy now has plenty of empathy for Danimal, for when the opponent relentlessly cries foul and won’t be silenced, the F-Bombs easily flow from the tongue in a fit of rage, and stopping the storm isn’t as easy as you’d think it would be for an adult man. #pineapple.
  • Free kicks to headers is a solid plan
  • The heat was brutal, except Chris G and Ryan just kept running all day long.
  • Despite being close to the age where he can get discounted LuAnn platters at Luby’s, Ryan can still strike a ball. His 40 yard shot that smacked the crossbar was simply amazing. Like in his personal life, 2″ would have made all the difference.
  • Derek is most likely cutting someone back at work right now.
  • The Honey Badgers did manage to make a bunch of chances, but just couldn’t grab the second goal. #jakeisprobablystillmad
  • Not a bad start to the season, all things considered.
  • Jefe family tree was in full-effect


Despite being shirtless, wearing reflective sunglasses, and sipping a cold lager, Ciro still looks cold.
Despite being shirtless, wearing reflective sunglasses, and sipping a cold lager, Ciro still looks cold.

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