Honey Badgers End the Summer Season With a Thrilling 3-2 Comeback Win Against Phoenix

Cameron Road United stormed back in the second half to close out the summer season in style with a 3-2 victory over the pesky Phoenixcelona team.

Team Jefe were first to the fields in the pre-dawn hours to set up camp and feed the many deer and small marmots who call the tree line their home. The other players followed suit, and by game time the Honey Badgers had a full team available – not bad for an 8am game.

The game started as most early morning matches do, with some sleepy-eyed touches and legs that hadn’t quite had enough coffee to get them moving.

Phoenix were first up to test the waters with a few long-range crosses from the right side, but the Cameron Road defense responded.

To wake everyone up a bit, Andy decided to smash an ankle or two inside the Phoenix box. That ratcheted up the flow, and soon the game was starting to zip around.

The other factor that kicked the half into high gear was the introduction of Ben to the lineup. Once he got into the game, he started darting around and picked up the tempo. Cameron Road’s first real scoring chance came when he made an excellent run down the left and cut back the ball to Gigi inside the box. Gigi fired the ball, but he must have been thinking about the blisters that his new Pumas have caused or eating fresh risotto on his Italian sailboat because his shot went to the left of the post. Figlio di Troia!!

With the referee ready to call it quits on the half, The Honey Badgers had another opportunity to feast on the Phoenix goal served up on a silver platter as Ben again slid a delicate through ball down the middle of the box to Andy who had only the keeper to beat. Sadly, the inclusion of his wife and two girls on the sidelines proved to be too much pressure for him, as he sent his shot wide as well.

0-0 at the half and it was up to Ryan to give his 8:45am Lone Star assessment of the game so far.

The second half. Ah…. the second half. Vintage Honey Badger gold. Best 45 minutes of the season as the Honey Badgers twice came from behind to snatch victory from the fiery wings of defeat.

Cameron Road started out the half with a Barcelona-like display of 6 consecutive passes. From there they were really pressing the issue, getting forward with abandon as Gigi’s speed and Dermot’s tenaciousness proved difficult for Phoenix to handle. Balls were flying into the box, and Cuyler came inches wide of netting a goal with a vicious free kick from the right side of the field.

But, in all too familiar Honey Badger fashion, they were first to give up a goal off a set piece and fall behind. 0-1 Phoenix and their trash talking started to pick up.

But the Honey Badgers were not deterred and it was time for the Jade Spear to again apply it’s poisoned tip to the heart of yet another hapless victim. With his low center of gravity and childlike feet, Ciro was able to work himself into the tight space inside the Phoenix box. As he darted and danced through defenders, he was taken down and earned Cameron Road a penalty kick. Ben stepped up and absolutely buried the shot in the upper right corner as the hapless keeper stood watching in horror. 1-1.

The game was back on, but Phoenix again came back around to take the lead. 2-1 with 25 minutes to go and their trash talking again heated up.

The Honey Badgers played the final 25 minutes like Phoenix had just stollen the last cobra on the face of the earth. Defeat was not an option, and they were determined to get back into the game.

They decided to get back in style as Ciro was again involved in the second goal. Again breaking through the defenses on the right, he spotted Chappy making a run to the back post. Ciro lofted the ball across the net to Chappy, who side-footed the ball out of the air past the keeper with an erie calmness, much to the approval of Jefe and BT on the sidelines. 2-2.

A draw would have been nice, but the Honey Badgers had been involved in too many unsatisfying endings this summer season – they wanted a happy one.

To prove this point, one one particular Cameron Road free kick, Gigi darted around the box, circling the wall over 22 times in an effort to get open.

And with nearly the last kick of the game, Gigi’s hustle again paid dividends as he found Dermot within 10 yards of the keeper. All his hard work of softening up the shins and ankles of the defense paid dividends as Dermot created an inch of space for himself and rifled his shot past the keeper for the final goal of the day. That shut up Phoenix for good.

With victory secured, it was time to turn their attentions to the 4+ hour post game celebrations and look forward to the fall campaign.

Man-of-the-Match: Involved in two of the three second half goals, Ciro’s persistence in attack paid off for his teammates as he helped secure the win with his timely assists.

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