Ryan Willis Owes Me One New Bucket with a Custom Honey Badger Stencil

In a brutal act of savagery, on Sunday, January 8th at approximately 12:38pm, Ryan destroyed my custom, one-of-a-kind Honey Badger stenciled gear bucket. The attack was without provocation, unwarranted, reeked of desperation, and downright rude. To be fair, it was accomplished with a powerful, on-target right footed shot of molecule shattering force…. but still…. not cool.

You have until Sunday the 15th to replace my beloved bucket. And it better have a stenciled Honey Badger logo… worthy of a graphic design degree at The University of Texas and able to pass the Crappy Ass JPEG filters of the PG Art Room.

Good Day.
Captain Chappy

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