Cameron Road Continues To “Struggle”

Cameron Road United faced a friendly rival this past Sunday in the form of Scotty and his orange-crushed Struggle FC. A friendly but drunken wager had been made in the summer between the two teams that the loser of this game would bring a keg for the Spring match-up/post-game grilling “sesh.”

With only enough to take the field, CRU started off the game with physical play that quickly set the pace for first half. We controlled the ball for the first thirty minutes with composure, movement and vision throughout the midfield with BT, Peterson and Ciro in command. Unfortunately, the counter-attack struck again when Struggle’s hand model and Zoolander-look-a-like sprinted past the left defense to a through-ball and put it away for an early lead. 0-1 Struggle.

The deciding moment of the game came shortly after when Peterson bicycle kicked a cross inside the goal box. Unfortunately, Peterson landed wrong and incurred pretty serious damage to his MCL/ACL. Pending MRI results, he may have experienced an ACL tear. This is the second injury against Struggle FC that Peterson has suffered, and the second knee injury against Struggle that CRU has suffered. (R.I.P. Marcus)

As Peterson nursed his injury in the only natural shade in the complex, surrounded by sympathetic women.. with a cold beer, CRU tried to but never recovered. Down to zero subs to Struggle’s six extra men, Cameron Road put up a strong but fleeting fight through the 90th minute. In the end, Scotty put the finishing touches on a clear that found its way to his feet, in front of a nearly-empty net. Struggle FC won the match 4-0, while an exhausted CRU took to what comforts they had: a few tall boys and a tender-hearted tree line.

Man Of The Match:

Chris Peterson. An “Ode” has been prepared in the form of a haiku.

High flying kick ball
lands, pops, out for the season
mustache game gone wrong



Man Of The Post-Match:

The tree-line. It nevers cares whether we win or lose.

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