LOSS: 1-3 vs Beerca – Losing To Friends Still Sucks

This season the Badgers have been hot and cold, and like Ciro’s post-game crotchal region, they were ice cold on Sunday.

The good news was that Cameron Road showed up with not one, not two, but three shiny new game balls and 6 subs. Consider the pre-game won. After splashing on a copious amount of sun spray, even with cloudy skies, Ciro made it clear the quantum effects of UV lighting was still in play (although his weather forecasts leave something to be desired). Apparently his cautious nature served him well for he was controlling the midfield early on, as was Billy in the back.

The Badgers were looking bright early on and had their passing boots on… unfortunately some of them should have opted for shooting boots since the chances were few and far between.

The early play of the day saw Ciro gather a ball deep in his own half. Look left, look right, turn around, spin back around and finally found what he was looking for – a great outlet pass to start a fast break to the forward line. The Gianluca/Derek/Jesus combo got on their horses, but didn’t manage to put a meaningful chance on goal. But it was nice work from the little midfield engine.

At the back, Jeff Z used every inch of his stiff hair to head away a ball from danger that would have put in the Beerca attacker. A timely interception indeed.

Parks with an approved haircut.

Another good play saw Schwarzy get the ball down the right touchline for Chappy to do some actual “winger stuff” by skipping by his defender (if one can actually “skip” in size 13s and a bunion the size of Mt. Everest), getting to the byline, and driving in a cross back to the middle of the 18 yard box. Of the many Badgers lurking, Adam was first to the spot to blast his shot over the bar. Obviously Chappy’s fault for not aiming for a non-traditional part of Adam’s body, like his lower back, left calf or thigh.

After some back and forth JAKE IS DOWN, JAKE IS DOWN!!!!!

Beerca struck first in what can only be described as the most Cameron Road goal to give up as possible after the ball bounced around the box off multiple players only to wind up in the back of the net.

Not to worry, as the Badgers were still playing well.

Like the Big Dave slide tackle, the Brian Parks shoulder charge is a classic CRU weapon deployed over the decades. Unfortunately, the very by-the-book Aussie referee deemed one a foul, and Beerca was awarded a free kick outside the box which slipped though the D and Jay’s fingertips to give them a 2 goal lead. Two weak-ish goals for sure, but they all count and the Badgers found themselves in a hole going into halftime.


The Badgers came out shooting in the second half. Gianluca would have taken a shot from a CRU goal kick given the opportunity. He and Derek and Jesus were working hard, with Jesus playing well down the wing, but nothing was headed into the net (or away from the keeper).

At the back, Jefe delivered a defensive body slam of his own without receiving foul, and he also made one or two clutch clearances to keep the score were it was.

It was a much more competitive half, with Cameron Road doing much of the attacking, but both Derek’s cutback to goal and Gianluca’s spin shot to goal both had Ciro-like aim. Then, Beerca stuck back with a nice counter attacking goal over the back of the defense to go up 3-0. Aye Yai Yai.

But all was not lost as Adam delivered the most Adam of goals for the Badgers. Another scrum inside the box saw the ball ping around, hit bodies, come off the keeper, off Adam, off various body parts, and then ricochet off some part of Adam’s body into the goal, much to Danny’s delight. Classic Adam.

In the end, the Badgers just couldn’t put it together for whatever reason and decided to start winning something that they are undefeated in…. the Post Game.

Man-of-the-Match: Billy was silky all day and never flustered. Now if we can get him to hang around next game for a Milton Report all will be well.

Being the gentleman that he is, Chappy noticed Ciro’s sweatshirt and opted for a strategic “crotch strike” with his icing, keeping his upper torso’s core temp in tact.
He also may have gotten a liquid assist from a certain defender.

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