Honey Badgers Dominate in Opening Day 1-0 Win vs. Austin Athletic Club

We commin' for you, Dragons.
We commin’ for you, Dragons.

After months and months of being on the business end of eagle claws, Cuban missile crises, Ben on Ben crime and a never ending revolving door of practice sites, the Honey Badgers finally got to play a real game yesterday as the Spring Season got underway.

It was a good omen that they were slated for field #10, which is nestled deep in the heart of the tree line, but an early 8am start time could have proved problematic. No worries though, as there were plenty of players available for the early start including the return of two Cameron Road lynchpins, Danimal and Steve McKenna. The Honey Badgers also welcomed back Billy, fresh from his return from the Isle of Numpty. Apparently two weeks worth of haggis, oatcakes and whiskey did his shoulder wonders since he suited up for battle on the sidelines.

The months of offseason practice seemed to be paying off as Cameron Road came out of the gates flying. The first meaningful chance of the season fell to Chappy, as Peterson’s inch perfect cross from the right found him inside the box. The Bald Dome of Power connected, and the ball was in the back of the net, but the linesman cruelly ruled him offside and ruined the perfect opening goal.

Another tragedy quickly befell the Honey Badgers, as one of several blasts into the woods deflated Ciro’s brand new match ball. The Tree Line giveth, and she also Taketh Away.

After the substitute ball was thrown into the mix, things got back underway, and the Honey Badgers continued to put Austin Athletic under pressure. Chappy and Luke combined for a nice give-and-go, but Luke’s screaming shot was just wide of the left post.

Cameron Road welcomed Ben into the mix for opening day, and after getting into the flow of the game, he quickly started taking control of the midfield, spraying around passes and driving at the defense. Steve also made his first appearance in months, but found a little trickier footing… especially down the left touchline. But he more than made up for his first half stumble later in the game with his great assist.

At the back, the defense was on it’s way to pitching a shutout. Danimal was doing what he does best, heading everything and anything out of danger, and marshaling the back line. With one of their only attacks, Austin Athletic came close to scoring off a rebound from a corner kick, but Sir Billy Milton was at the back post to clear the ball off the line and save the day.

Cameron Road kept coming at Austin Athletic, and they were getting closer and closer to the actual opening goal. Ciro weaved his way through the middle of the park and let loose a cracker of a shot right to the keeper…. sorry….. slightly to the left of the keeper. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before Cameron Road would nab a goal.

At halftime, Adam continued his run of bringing oranges for the 47th time, and spirits were high.

Cameron Road lined up in the second half with two thirds of the Jade Spear lining up in central midfield, but Derick could have been an honorary third because of his Way Shong-like diminutive stature and intricate ball skills.

To be perfectly blunt, the first 20 minutes of the second half were pure magic. The Honey Badgers operated with impunity in the Austin Athletic half and Ben and Ciro weaved an intricate tapestry of passes together that would have put Iniesta and Xavi to shame. With Andy providing the muscle from the flank, Cameron Road desperately tried to drive the nail into AAC coffin with waves of attacks and quality passing, but just couldn’t find the back of the net. Ben found Chappy in the channel, and Chappy flicked a ball across the box to Derek as the keeper rushed outward, but the pass came up just short before he had a chance to tap it in.

With that brilliant spell out of the way, Austin Athletic Club did try to mount a few attacks, but only one or two actually resulted in anything resembling a shot on goal. Luke, Danimal, New Chris, Dave and Andy made sure that Jay wasn’t in too much danger.

It was starting to feel like one of those frustrating days where all the hard work and shots on goal were just not going to get Cameron Road the win as the Honey Badgers continued the attack.

Ciro’s sliding shot went just right of the bar with Steve lurking at the back post. Dave let loose a 40 yard bomb from midfield. Chappy put a header from a corner kick just wide of the net. And several other shots found they way into the outstretched arms of the AAC keeper.

But the Honey Badgers remained resolute and all the hard work finally paid off with the winning goal. Peterson stepped up in the Cuyler Role to take a free kick from the right side of the box. His cross sailed to Steve McKenna at the far post, who headed it down across the face of goal while Luke “distracted” the keeper. Derek only had to give it the slightest of touches with his head to send it bouncing into the back. 1-0 Cameron Road at the 85th minute!

So win #1 of the Spring Season is in the books with a commanding performance. Next up is a February road trip to the high plains of NEMP.

Man-of-the-Match: Fresh off the plane and onto the field, Billy impressed with his calm demeanor, his silky touches (and a Scoop!), and his game-saving clearance off the line. Now if we can just keep him away from Dermot’s elbows, maybe he can finish out an entire season.

Stevie Mack is Back!
Stevie Mack is Back!


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