Back to Basics: Defense first, taking out the trash and the Inverted Scanned File Manefesto

Submitted by your Keeper.

Good evening Gents,
We have had a tough couple of last games, last Sunday we lost 3-0 and where dominated in all aspects of play. In order to improve we will have to get more fit, play smarter and most importantly have fun. 

This weekend we are playing Celtic and in my opinion we need to go into the match with a defense first mentality.

Even if we fall behind 1-0 I believe we should stay committed up until the last 20 minutes or so. I don’t think our D played that bad Sunday considering our overall lack of possession of the ball. There was good effort however there were still mistakes made which I will try to address and hopefully implement for this Sunday. 

I will also be covering the basics of corner kicks, not defensive corner kicks but offensive corners when it is our team attacking the defensive goal. Why you may ask,coming from the keeper? Well correct me if I’m wrong but over the course of the last year we have surrendered more goals on corner kicks we have taken, via the counter attack then we have surrendered against corner kicks from the opposing team, including the first goal this past Sunday. So I feel we need to review some basics.

I also will offer my humble suggestions on attacking play, I know I am the keeper so don’t think of it as a critique as much as a good start towards continuing dialogue as to the best way to score and possess the ball. I have played this game for many years under some good coaches so I know a little.

Defense First:

Celtic has many good players who can finish.In my opionion we cant afford any easy goals or breakaways. We must have a defensive formation from the start if not all the way to the fininsh. This starts with the stopper position. Why dont we quit calling it stoper and start calling it central defender, we will need 3 defenders in the back commitied to marking the 3 most dangerous attackers at all time on defense. Having the stopper go up on runs too far up the field will pose problems considering our lack of ball controll. The SWEEPER SHOULD NOT HAVE TO MARK ANYONE. thats why he is the sweeper. The sweeper and myself should consetrate on reading the field for any open players and make sure they get marked.

In marking players with the ball be conservative and MAKE THE ATTACKERS PREDICTABLE, rather the trying to attack or strip at a 50/50 ball force the attacker to the outside of the feild, take away the most obvious path for him to go to goal.

If you want to get detailed, observe the player to see what foot he shots with. If hes a left footed attacker, such as the bearded dude for Celtic, and he has the ball in the middle approching the box, force him to his right and let him take a shot from outside right that I can save, dont feel compelled to dive or stab unless you are 100% SURE you can get the ball. Yes the attacker may be fast and get by you, but if he is outside his angle will be poor and the sweeper can read and respond to the play, as well as the keeper.

Always keep an eye on your man, stay goalside between your man and our goal. Do not leave your man in an effort to play a 50/50 unless you are 100% sure you can get it. Also remember to push up immedialty with a crisp jog to the top of our box whenever the ball is cleared outside our defensive penalty zone. I think an attainable goal is to not allow any breakaways this sunday. If they shoot let them shot from outside the box. I will then frustate them with my squrrl-like reflexes.

Corner Kicks and taking out the trash:

I made a proffessional diagram for this one.
As I said above we should always have an extra defender (sweeper) back at all times. this is no different for a corner kick. Normally, the opposing team will have 2 strickers up top. In the back with should have 2 defenders, shown as inverted Ds on the diagram as well as the sweeper (s). Next we should have 2 people commited to ‘trash’, marked with Ts. These people should be responcible for playing balls that have either been cleared out of the box up the feild and playing balls that have been kicked across the goal to the far side of the field. The remaining 4 will try concetrate on scoring inside the box. thats right JUST 4 PLAYERS should be making runs into the goal area by the time the corner has been taken. the player taking the corner should help contain and provide support on the near side of the field.

This will help contain the ball. The first goal we let in sunday, was off a ball that I beleive their defense cleared to the middle of the field, rather then having trash there we had 7 players in or above the other teams penalty box. What we were left with was a 3 on 3. 4 players tring to score on a corner is enough, especially when it is a tied game or we are winning.

Offensive advice ( multiple choice style)

Please see next profession diagram. Like I said this is not a critique like my first 2 points but rather an attemp at improving dailogue and hopefully getting more on the same page.

Let say we have a forward (A) approaching the goal with possesion of the ball  and fellow forward (B) off to the side. In front of them, there are 4 defenders (x).

What should forward A do?

  1. play a chip in the air to the corner of the field to a running player (b)
  2. GO GIGGS, take the defenders 1 on 1 like Ryan Giggs showcasing your supriorer foot skills.
  3. Screw it, just BOOT IT towards the goal or off the nearest defenders testicles.
  4. Turn around, and continue to possess the ball untill support arrives from either forward (B) or a midfeilder and make a simple pass on the ground.

My choice is  #1, 2 vs 4 disadvantage will not get us anywhere, we must possess, wait for help to arrive then when midfield has the ball, make a run or two. I could maybee see option (a) working in the event that its late in the match and we have the lead and need to kill time, but thats it.

It is also my humple goalkeeping opinion that for the most part. Fowards operate best when supporting each other. Both forwards should be within 15 yards of each other as much as possible. This allows for easier passing to each other in the attacking zone. Its the midfeilders, specifiacally the outside mids duty to create space on the pitch and spread out play, not the forwards. (just my opinion)

Thats it, I know its a lot guys. If you disagree or have further insight please respond via email or bar chatter at the Crown.

Many of the mistakes mentioned above I have made, judging 50/50 balls is always tough, and mistakes will be made, but with the right mindset and focus, I beleive we can greatly improve.

The most important thing is to have fun. I enjoy playing with all of yall, even though some of us including myself will go psycho from time to time. Great to have the new guy Cuyler out therre.

Ill be bringing a case of natural light to the game this sunday, Brain will be bringing a case of Stella. It will be fun, but lets try to play smart and listen to my advice, at least with the first 2 points.Thanks,


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