A Closer Look Inside Cameron Road United’s Greatest Season of All Time


Let’s peer closer at what the Honey Badgers were able to do in 2012-2013 through El Jefe colored glasses.

The stats are quite staggering:

  • 47 points. The second highest point total IN THE LEAGUE of over 150 teams.
  • 15 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss
  • +40 goal difference
  • 15 players scored
  • Andy lead the team with 11 goals
  • Adam lead the team with 6 assists
  • 8 clean sheets
  • 1 game scoring 10 goals
  • 1 game scoring 9 goals
  • 1 video of Way Shong getting doused with water as he exits a port-a-potty
  • Ryan wins ping pong tournament
  • 2 last minute game winners against Celtic Cowboys
  • 2 tents on opening day
  • 1 giant drunken celebration at the Crown and Anchor


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